Welcome to Moreind Automation Private Limited
Moreind Automation Pvt Limited was incorporated in the year 1995 and has a Machine Shop and Valve Assembly unit. Moreind's expertise is exceptional both in terms of CNC Turning centers, CNC Machining centers, CNC Vertical turning, Conventional machining and machined castings. Moreind ia also Specialized in the manufacture of valve components for use in a wide range of industries and has wide acceptance worldwide, specifically in USA and Europe. Moreind also manufacturers & supplies components to VALVE, AUTO, PUMP & TEXTILE as per clients specifications. Moreind recorded a turnover of 250 million INR during the last financial year and the contribution of machine shop to the turnover was 60%. It Employes around 120 people across all skill levels and is an equal oppurtunity employer. Moreind is spread in a 30,000 Square feet built up area. More...
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